ASID South Central

2023 Student Work Competition

Awards Program Dates

Awards Program Open
From: February 20, 2023 12:00AM CSTTo: March 27, 2023 8:00AM CDT
Rules & Regulations


The 2023 Student Work Competition (“Competition”) is sponsored by the South Central Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (“Chapter”). By entering Competition, You – the Entrant - represent and warrant that you have read, understand and agree to these official rules including but not limited to, the (1) competition rules, regulations & eligibility guidelines and (2) competition entrant terms and conditions, indemnification requirements and release as set forth below. These Official Rules will form a binding agreement between the Chapter and the Entrant.  


  • Call for entries and registration period: 02/20/2023 at 12:00am CST – 03/20/2023 at 11:59pm CST.
  • Competition period:  02/20/2023 at 12:00am CST – 03/20/2023 at 11:59pm CST
  • Judging period:  03/22/2023 – 03/29/2023
  • Cost per entry for members: $20
    • After creating your account: Edit your information and input your Member & Affiliation Status under the Action Panel.  Make sure to include your Member ID to have your entry be qualified.
  • Cost per entry for non-members: $25
  • If all entry information is not completed by the deadline, at 11:59 PM CST on March 20th, 2023, the project will not be entered into the Competition.
  • Entry fees are not refundable.
  • Entries with names or school names vsibile will be disqualified. (Except for Student Portfolio Category)
  • Entrants must provide and submit the following information with each entry:
    • Brief design concept, project summary, and the project’s impact on lives,
    • Minimum of one .jpeg image file to be used by the site as the “cover image” for the project. Other files that are uploaded for the project may be .pdf, .png, etc may be used, but a .jpeg must be included.


  • Only undergraduate projects that have not previously won an ASID Student Work Competition Award are eligible. However, non-winning entries qualifying for the time frame requirement below may be resubmitted.
  • A project can be submitted in multiple categories with the following requirements:
    • A $20(member) or $25(non-member) entry fee is required for each category.
    • Each category will be judged independently and only by the material submitted in the category. For instance, a judge will not go from one category to another to view drawings, boards, etc. The project materials must be duplicated to submit multiple categories.
  • Mixed-use design projects can be entered in the category based on the predominant area of use or can be entered in two different categories.
  • If you are submitting work as a member, please see rules on how to be eligible to enter.


  • Information identifying Entrant’s name or school name appears in description, images or on drawings (Except for Portfolio Category)
  • Submission of winning Entries and images from past South Central Chapter Student Work Competitions
  • Submission of Entry into the wrong category  
  • Member submissions without Member ID's
  • Entrant’s failure to abide by these Official Rules



  1. R01 Residential – Small (2,500 square feet and under)
  2. R02 Residential – Large (Over 2,500 square feet)
  3. N02 New Student Spotlight- Year one and two student interior design projects


  1. C01 Hospitality – Service (hotel, restaurant, retail, etc.)
  2. C02 Institutional – (education, museum, library, etc.)
  3. C03 Healthcare
  4. C04 Workplace
  5. N01 New Student Spotlight- Year one and two student interior design projects


          O01 Original Product – (carpet, fabric, furniture, lighting, etc.)


  1. RN01 Computer Generated Rendering – One image per submission
  2. RN02 Hand Rendering – One image per submission


          P02 Portfolio

JUDGING CRITERIA- For Design Projects

  • Successful entries will demonstrate exceptional design and the following criteria:

55 pts.       Design Critique

  • 5 pts.           Color Composition 
  • 10 pts.         Space Planning
  • 10 pts.         Innovative Design Solutions
  • 10 pts.         Scale and Proportion of Furnishings 
  • 10 pts.         Materials and Finishes
  • 10 pts.         Life Safety Codes and Accessibility

45 pts.       Accurate Description of Design Concept and Challenges

  • 5 pts.           Adequately describes Design Concept
  • 5 pts.           Adequately describes any challenges encountered
  • 5 pts.           Professionalism and Quality of Entry
  • 15 pts          Adequately describes the positive impact of the design
  • 15 pts.         Adequately describes size, scope, user profile and goals

5 pts.         Judge’s Adjustment

105 pts.    TOTAL  


JUDGING CRITERIA-  For Product Design

  • Successful entries will demonstrate on exceptional design and the following criteria:  

60 pts.       Design Critique

  • 10 pts.         Innovative Design Solutions
  • 10 pts.         Quality of Design 
  • 20 pts.         Elements of Design
  • 20 pts.         Principles of Design

40 pts.       Accurate Description of Design Concept

  • 5 pts.           Professionalism and Quality of Entry
  • 5 pts            Adequately describes the Positive Impact of the design
  • 15 pts.         Adequately describes Design Concept
  • 15 pts.         Adequately describes Size, Scope, User Profile and Goals

5 pts.         Judge’s Adjustment

105 pts.    TOTAL  


JUDGING CRITERIA-  For computer-generated & Hand Rendering

  • Successful entries will demonstrate on exceptional design and the following criteria:  

90 pts.       Design Critique

  • 25 pts.         Elements of Design
  • 25 pts.         Principles of Design
  • 40 pts.         Quality of Rendering 

10 pts.       Accurate Description of Design Concept

5 pts.         Judge’s Adjustment

105 pts.    TOTAL  



  • Successful entries will demonstrate on exceptional design and the following criteria:  

70 pts.       Design Critique

  • 25 pts.         Brand Quality  
  • 45 pts.         Graphic Design Quality

30 pts.       Accurate Description of Design Concept

  • 15 pts.         Adequately describes Size, Scope, User Profile, and Goals
  • 15 pts.         Professionalism and Quality of Entry

5 pts.         Judge’s Adjustment

105 pts.    TOTAL  

  • Decisions of judges are final and binding     
  • Professional designers compile the jury panel. All decisions made by the judges are final.  The judges reserve the right not to issue an award for any category where they do not feel the quality of the work meets certain design standards.  There is no guarantee that an award will be given in all categories.



  • Winning Categories include Gold, Silver, and Bronze. All winners will receive a certificate. Gold winners will receive a cash award.
  • Projects must have the minimum score in each of the awards categories to qualify. 
  • Total scores will range from 0-105
  • Prizes will be awarded based on the following ranges: 

For all categories – 105-95: Gold        94-87: Silver        86-80: Bronze

  • We're back in person! Awards will be presented during the Design Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana on Saturday, Apri 1st. Entrants must be present to win.


  • All federal, state, and local laws apply.  If any rule contained in these Official Rules (including but not limited to, the competition rules, regulations & eligibility guidelines and/or the competition entrant terms and conditions, indemnification requirements and release (set forth below) is declared illegal or invalid, the remaining rules shall remain in full force and effect. 
  • Chapter reserves the right to disqualify any entries that do not comply with this Agreement.
  • Entry fees are not refundable.
  • Personal information provided in connection with this Competition and/or this Agreement will be collected by the Chapter and used in accordance with the Chapter’s online privacy policy.  In addition, to the extent you provide the Chapter with personally identifying information via any third-party, including but not limited to competition web site hosts, you may also be subject to the terms and conditions of such third-party’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, over which Chapter has no control.
  • No failure by Chapter to take any action or assert any right hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of such right.  No waiver of any right shall be deemed a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any other provision hereof.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to follow all terms and conditions set forth in these Official Rules. Any entry which does not adhere to these Official Rules will be subject to disqualification.
  • If any dispute arises out of or relating to this Competition and/or these Official Rules the parties will first attempt to settle the dispute by internal discussions through good faith consultation and negotiation.  If internal negotiations do not lead to a solution to the satisfaction of each party within 60 dates of the dispute arising, the controversy or claim shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules. All arbitration decision are binding on both parties.


By entering the 2023 Student Work Competition, Entrant represents and warrants as follows:

  • Entrant understands and agrees that by entering this competition they agree to these official rules (including but not limited to the competition rules, regulations & eligibility guidelines and the competition entrant terms and conditions. Indemnification and release shall become a binding agreement between the Entrant and the South Central Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers. 
  • Entrant is the designer of this project. Entrant agrees that no other person or entity may claim this design as his or her own, and that Entrant has not submitted this design on behalf of anyone else.
  • Entrant agrees to abide by the judge’s decision as final. Entrant understands that any false or misleading information provided by the Entrant will result in disqualification from this Competition.
  • Chapter is not responsible for (i) late, lost, or incomplete entries; (ii) any telephone, electronic hardware or software program, network, internet or computer malfunctions, failures or difficulties; (iii) any errors in transmission; (iv) any condition caused by events beyond the control of Chapter that may cause the Competition to be disrupted or corrupted; (v) any injuries, losses or damages of any kind caused by any prize or resulting from acceptance of any prize, or from participation in the Competition; (vi) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Competition. All materials submitted by the Entrant become the property of the Chapter and will not be returned. 
  • Should Entrant’s design be chosen as a prize-winning award, Entrant agrees to allow (and to cause the property owner where the project is located to allow) professional photography of the winning project to be used for future marketing, promotional, public relations, or educational purposes.  In addition, and except where prohibited by law, Entrant’s entry constitutes permission from Entrant to allow the Chapter, the American Society of Interior Designers, Inc. and their respective media and agency partners to use, without additional compensation, Entrant’s name(s), workplace/business information, biographical data, and likenesses for (i) publication on a Competition winner’s list; and/or (ii) for use in any Competition-related advertising and publicity.
  • The Entrant, to the fullest extent permitted by law, agrees to be bound by this Agreement; represents that Entrant holds all original copyrights to the materials submitted pursuant to this Agreement (or that Entrant has obtained written permission from the copyright owner to submit these materials); represents that the submitted materials do not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third-party; grants the South Central Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers, Inc. and their respective media and agency partners a non-exclusive, perpetual, transferable, royalty-free right and license to copy, reproduce, perform, display, prepare derivative works from, and distribute publicly all of Entrant’s submitted materials in both print and digital format for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, use of such materials on third-party websites, social media, and other publications without additional compensation; and agrees to indemnify and hold the American Society of Interior Designers, Inc., and Chapter and their respective officers, directors, and employees (collectively “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, injuries, demands, suits, costs, expenses  and damages (including reasonable attorney fees and expenses) (collectively “Claim”) that the Indemnified Parties may incur by reason of or arising out of any breach of any of my representations, my provision of false information, use of my submitted materials and/or my license grant, except to the extent that such Claim is caused by the gross negligence of the Indemnified Parties.
  • By participating in this competition and/of accepting any prize, entrant agrees to release and hold harmless Chapter, The American Society of Interior Designers, Inc. and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees (collectively “released parties”) from and against any and all actions, claims, injuries, losses, damages, liabilities, expenses or causes of action of any kind, including, without limitation personal injury, death and/or property damage, as well as any and all claims based on defamation, publicity rights, and/or invasion of privacy arising out of or in any manner, directly or indirectly relating to entrant’s participation in the design competition, submission of competition materials, and/or acceptance or use or misuse of any prize.

By entering, I certify that I have read, understand and agree to each and every term set forth in these official rules of competition participation, including but not limited to those set forth in the competition rules, regulations & eligibility guidelines, and in the competition entrant terms and conditions, indemnifications requirements and release.